Carrier HVAC Systems.

Built on Willis Carrier's invention of modern air conditioning in 1902, Carrier is a world leader in heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration solutions. We constantly build upon our history of proven innovation with new products and services that improve global comfort and efficiency.


Air Conditioners

When sliced bread was invented in 1912, it was the greatest thing to happen since air conditioning. You see, our founder, Willis Carrier, invented the first modern air conditioning system in 1902. And we've been perfecting his idea ever since - while enjoying the occasional piece of toast. Ask your Carrier® expert about the 2015 energy-efficiency standards to ensure your new air conditioner meets government regulations for your area.


Air Handlers


Want to push your cooling unit's efficiency to its highest level? It's as easy as making sure you have the right fan coil to match. When you do, you could see improved HSPF from your heat pump, a jump of up to two points in the SEER rating of your air conditioner or heat pump - and an equally dramatic improvement in your utility bill.


Gas Furnaces

Think of your furnace as the heart of your home. In the winter, it's essential to radiating warmth. During the summer, it plays a vital role in moving refreshing, conditioned air from your cooling system. And all year long, your furnace could provide constant air circulation to keep you more comfortable. Not only that, but many of our furnaces do it all so efficiently your own heart might skip a beat when you see how low your utility bill is.


Heat Pumps

Heating, cooling and dehumidifying - heat pumps have it all. Except, perhaps, a name that does their versatility justice. Heat pumps look and function the same as air conditioners for cooling, but in cool months when heat is called for, they reverse operation to provide warmth for your home. If you live in a colder environment, electric-powered heat pumps are great in combination with your oil- or gas-fueled furnace as a Hybrid Heat® solution, which can result in significant savings on your overall heating costs.


Indoor Air Quality

Breathe Easy. Improving Indoor Air Just Got Easier.



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